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  • Banking, Finance and insurance: We provide testing solution to banking, Finance and insurance firms to deal with highly confidential and personal data.
  • Healthcare: Our dedicated QA team ensures in-depth testing of various healthcare factors like safely, compliance, security etc.
  • Government sector: We have dedicated QA team to provide testing solutions to software systems used by government firms to ensure accuracy and security of the application.
  • Manufacturing and constructions: We provide testing solutions to Manufacturing and constructions firms to ensure reliability, operability, and stability of the software system solutions.
  • Real estate, rental & leasing: We provide testing services to real estate, rental & leasing organizations to ensure quality and reliability of the software these firm used to serve their customers.
  • E-commerce: Our dedicated QA team ensure in-depth testing of user interface, backend, APIs etc to provide reliable to and stable customer experience
  • Digital media, Art & Entertainment: We provide testing services to Digital media, Art & Entertainment sectors to ensure user satisfaction.